There are a lot of website designers out there. Some are very good. Most are competent. Some, not so much. So why should you pick me instead of one of those others to design your website?

In a word, versatility. I started with a background in business programming and PC tech support, which gave me the ability to work well with both computers and customers. To that, I added expert skill with a camera -- first film cameras, then digital cameras. This led naturally to a good eye for page layout and composition. Meanwhile, almost by accident I also developed good skills at writing copy.

Finally, I'm also a voracious reader of both fiction and non-fiction. My bookcases include an amazing variety of subjects: nature, wildlife, evolutionary theory, archaeology, history, current events, and a lot of general-information topics. This wide array of knowledge lets me analyze any problem from many different perspectives. Often I can see possible solutions that a specialist might not.

Put all of that together, top it off with a certificate in web design, and here I am: with all the needed skills to offer you a variety of digital media services, from digital photography to website design.

Do you think any of my skills can solve a problem for you? (I certainly hope so.) Well then, click any of those buttons over there on the left, and see what I can do.

I prefer to make initial contacts via email, since it's easier for both me and my client -- no need for you to worry about "is he available?" Just write me an email and send it off, and I'll read it next time I check for email (which is usually several times a day).