To a wolf, a den is Home. In human parlance, a den is a comfortable room that's full of books and other interesting things, a fun and fascinating place to spend some time. This website is a prowl through my virtual Den: a huge collection of books of all kinds, along with pictures, educational articles, vacation reports, and more. You can use the menu above to find specific topics. Or you can pick any of the categories shown in the images below, and just start browsing.
As you wander my Den, you'll find that many book titles are highlighted. These titles are all available via For your convenience (and mine too), I've adopted a specific policy for my links to, which you can find on my Site Policies page. If you find a book that is linked but isn't available, please e-mail me and let me know. Other constructive comments will be welcome too.
While one of my reasons for putting together this site was simply to share some good books with others, I also hope that some will find it a useful research tool. I have large collections of science & nature and military-history books. If you're looking for books on any of these topics, these pages should give you some titles to start with.